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About Us

More Than Clothing

Trybe was officially established in 2017, but what it represents has been around since the beginning of mankind. It has been written about by great minds for centuries . “It” is the connection that exists between all human beings, and not just to each other, but the natural world around us. Whether you accept this belief or not, it’s the truth. We are one people, one species. We’ve let history and society convince us that we are separate. Nationality, race, religion, and culture are among the first lines we draw between ourselves and others. These lines must be removed, and we have the power to remove them, but doing so will take conscious effort on all our parts. The hope for Trybe is to use clothing to remind ourselves, and each other, to see the human in one another before we act or form assumptions, to foster a movement towards the view of each and every person as part of a single global community, one tribe, grounded in the common thread of our humanity.

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